5 Signs You Are Being Manipulated and How to Stop It

anxiety depression divorcing a narcissist emotional patterns emotional triggers healing from toxic relationship healthy relationship mental health signs of toxic relationship Jul 16, 2023

Manipulation is a common behavior that is not only prevalent in businesses and politics but also in personal relationships. Being manipulated is dangerous because it can cause mental and emotional trauma, and it can ruin the relationship you have with others.

If you think you're being manipulated, it's time to sit back and analyze your situation. It's always been tough to recognize manipulation, but if you know the signs, you can prevent it from happening. Here are five signs you are being manipulated and how to stop it.

You’re Always Blamed

Do you always take the blame for things even if it's not your fault? Are you always the target of accusations and criticisms? If you notice this pattern, it's time to assess the situation. Your manipulator may be trying to control you by making you feel guilty, and you need to take a step back.

Solution - Start by working on your self-esteem and recognize that you are not always to blame. If the accusation is invalid, do not take the blame and stand your ground.


Gaslighting is when someone manipulates you into questioning and doubting yourself. This is a common tactic used by manipulators to gain control over someone and their narrative.

Solution - If you're being Gaslit, try to take a step back and assess the situation. Ask your close friend or family members for support, and don't let the manipulator control your narrative.


Manipulators often use guilt as a form of social control. A manipulator will use your emotions to control you or make you feel guilty for not doing what they want.

Solution - Learn to assert boundaries and be firm. You don't need to explain yourself to a manipulator, and you should resist the urge to give in to guilt-tripping.

Undermining Your Confidence

Manipulators try to make you feel as though you're never enough, thereby undermining your self-confidence. If you've been made to feel inadequate, you can gradually become passive and malleable in their hands.

Solution - Work on your self-confidence and self-esteem. A healthy self-image will help you recognize your worth, and it will be harder for manipulators to get under your skin. Cut ties with individuals that are toxic in your life.


Micromanagement is when someone tries to control your every move. They try to dictate every aspect of your life and don't leave room for independence.

Solution - Stand firm and take ownership of your life. Being independent means you can make your own decisions and follow your own path.

Manipulation is a subtle, dangerous behavior that can sneak up on you. But once you recognize the signs, it's vital to take action to avoid being manipulated and falling victim to mental and emotional trauma. By identifying the five signs listed above, you can develop strategies to prevent being manipulated and regain control of your life!

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