Are Dating Apps Burning You Out? Here's How to Avoid It!

dating dating app online dating May 01, 2023

Dating app burnout is a real phenomenon, and it can be emotionally and financially draining. Online dating can often feel like a full-time job, and the constant swiping and messaging can lead to frustration and disappointment, which can ultimately lead to burnout. Here are some tips on how to recognize and prevent dating app burnout:

Tip #1: Talk with friends about your experience. Social support can buffer against burnout. Share your experiences with friends and family and seek their support. You can also join online communities for people who are using dating apps. This can help you feel less isolated and give you a sense of connection.

Tip #2: Stay Present. Mindlessly swiping can lead to exhaustion and frustration. Set aside a specific window of time when you can be fully present and engaged in what you’re doing. A good stopping point is just before you start to tire out so that you end each swipe session feeling energized, not depleted.

Tip #3: Don't fear failure. Every date, good or bad, teaches you something about what you want and don’t want in a partner. Each encounter is an opportunity to sharpen your interpersonal skills. By adopting a growth mindset, you can go from seeing these experiences as a “waste of time” to recognizing that you’re learning as you go.

Here are some examples of how dating app burnout can manifest:

  • Feeling tired and mentally drained from swiping on dating apps
  • Downplaying yourself and your accomplishments
  • Worrying that dating apps might be making you cynical and distant

The cost of burning out can be high. Burnout can take an emotional toll, causing people to disengage from dating apps as they grow increasingly disillusioned with the experience. When this happens, people can lose both time and money, an important consideration given that just over a third of users pay for online dating services. Burnout can also cost people relationships.

Dating app burnout is a real phenomenon that can be emotionally and financially draining. By seeking support, practicing mindful swiping, and counting your successes, you can prevent burnout and make the most out of your dating app experience. Remember, dating isn’t supposed to feel like work, so don’t let it get to that point.

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